Take Control of Spam in Exchange
Exchange Anti-Spam Toolkit provides a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) to enable easy management of anti-spam functionality in Exchange, even on Mailbox servers.
QSS Exchange Anti-Spam Toolkit also adds URL or Domain-based Block List and Sender Score filtering for Exchange.
Many useful anti-spam capabilities are built into Exchange, but without QSS Exchange Anti-Spam Toolkit, they can only be managed with PowerShell cmdlets. Contrary to popular belief, an Edge Transport server is not required. Virtually all anti-spam features are supported on Mailbox servers.
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Latest version: 1.0.8
Release Notes

Web-Based Interface (GUI)
Comprehensive, easy-to-use web-based graphical user interface allows all aspects of Exchange anti-spam functionality to be managed without PowerShell.
Web-Based GUI Details

URL & Domain Filtering
URL or Domain-based Block Lists (also known as URI DNSBL or SURBL) expand filtering capabilities and are particularly effective in detecting malicious links.
Url & Domain Filter Details

Anti-Spam Search
The Search tool shows why something was or wasn't blocked and enables easy validation of Exchange anti-spam configuration.
Anti-Spam Search Details